< Previous | Contents | Next > Chord Memory Standard Mode with audible KB Hold (the one on the Panic button)

1. Long press the Panic button in the toolbar on top of the screen to enable the main KB Hold.

2. Press the Chord Rec Button once to enable the recording mode.

3. Then press your chord one by one (each key separately). Every key gets hold, and so added to the chord.

4. Press the Chord Rec Button again to save the chord.

5. Finally (short) press the Panic button to stop the playback

As already mentioned above, in this standard mode, the saved chord starts always with the lowest note, e.g. 0,3,5,12,15.

The difference to the standard mode without KB hold is that you can switch the octaves between your key presses.

This way is very useful if you want to hear the chord while saving it and you want the chord to spread over multiple octaves.


When you finish a Chord Recording (either by pressing the Chord Rec Button the second time or by reaching the max Chord size), the memorized Chord gets enabled automatically and you can start playing with it straight away. The max Chord size depends on the “Number of Synthesizer Voices” setting in the Setup dialog (2 up to 10 voices).

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