[NOT A BUG - hardware or OS issue] Freeze and system reboot when USB MIDI connected

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[NOT A BUG - hardware or OS issue] Freeze and system reboot when USB MIDI connected

Postby pa123 » Mon May 02, 2022 5:31 pm

Hello, I'm testing Gstomper Rhythm free version on Nokia T20 device. I'm connecting device to laptop with USB as MIDI (choose MIDI in Android USB settings). I can send MIDI to DAW in a laptop, everything works. But after a while Gstomper freezes and system is rebooting. Is it my device, my laptop's fault? Why is this happening?
It happened also when I connected USB-MIDI adapter cable to T20.

So far I didn't notice any crashes when USB cable as MIDI was not connected.

I've made some logs with adb logcat, but don't know if there is anything meaningful and I cannot interpret it myself.

Cheers, P
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Re: [NOT A BUG - hardware or OS issue] Freeze and system reboot when USB MIDI connected

Postby planet-h » Mon May 02, 2022 5:57 pm

Welcome to the form pa123
and thanks for your message.

This sounds much like a hardware incompatibility or an Operating System/Hardware issue, based on the physical connection via USB (e.g. a buggy cable), in combination with the "MIDI" USB connection setting (which has been buggy since it's creation back in Android 6).

Finding out the actual problem is almost impossible without having the physical device to debug with. And even then, might be very tricky.

Things you can try in general:

  • Use a different USB OTG cable
  • Use a different USB OTG adapter (in case you're using something like usb A to micro usb, usb c, or whatever required)
  • Use a different USB Port on your PC
  • Use a different PC
  • Use a different Sequencer Software on PC
  • Use a different Android app (not G-Stomper) with MIDI support (does it happen as well with another app?)

As you said it also happens when a USB to MIDI cable adapter is connected, it sounds like the MIDI implementation of the Nokia Android OS derivate might be broken, or the hardware layer of the USB internals

  • Try to get an Android update for your device (what is your current Android version btw.?)

Hope that helps.
Sorry for not having a better answer.
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Re: [NOT A BUG - hardware or OS issue] Freeze and system reboot when USB MIDI connected

Postby pa123 » Mon May 02, 2022 6:44 pm

Thanks for quick reply. So far I've tried some things You mentioned.
- Tried two USB ports in laptop, one is USB 2.0 another USB 3.x
- Some other apps using MIDI also crashed, but I didn't try them more than once. But one app didn't crash.
- I'm using original cable from T20 charger. Didn't try another cable yet.

System is Android 11 and from what I can see in settings, it seems up to date. This is also quite new device.

If I don't lose my attention I'll try some different settings.

Are you aware if such issue exists in any other brand's tablets, like Samsung or Lenovo?
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Re: [NOT A BUG - hardware or OS issue] Freeze and system reboot when USB MIDI connected

Postby planet-h » Wed May 04, 2022 11:35 am

I cannot speak for all devices of course.
But never heard of such problems with Samsung or Lenovo, to be honest I haven't heard from any other device with such problems, at least not in the last 5 years. But this must not mean that there are none.

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