
Questions and Discussions about G-Stomper
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Postby Chris_881 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:23 pm

Hi planet-h,

For the Compressor/Limiters, are the x:1 ratios meant to be compression (with the higher x values acting as a limiter) and the 1:x ratios being expansion (with high x values acting as a gate)? Thanks!
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Re: Compressor/Limiters

Postby planet-h » Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:29 pm

Chris_881 wrote:Hi planet-h,

For the Compressor/Limiters, are the x:1 ratios meant to be compression (with the higher x values acting as a limiter) and the 1:x ratios being expansion (with high x values acting as a gate)? Thanks!

Yes, that's correct. But take note that depending on the compressor or limiter type you use (also the gate effect), the parameters have a limited range are combined on some sliders to make it easier to control them. E.g. the compressor value range goes to expansion, but not as far to become a gate. Therefore there is a separate gate effect.
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Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:11 pm

Re: Compressor/Limiters

Postby Chris_881 » Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:39 am

Awesome, thanks for the reply.

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