Sending micro step via midi + note length.

Questions and Discussions about G-Stomper
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Sending micro step via midi + note length.

Postby Assonema » Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:07 am

Good morning and greetings for your software.

I have a question concerning the micro steps, and a question about the note length.

I am testing the G-Stomper Producer.
1- In the VA Beast poly grid I set some micro step value on a defined amount on a note, and I can hear it if I use the embedded VA synth but the information is not sent out via midi to the external hardware synth, that still play the note like if the micro step was settled to 0 (zero). Do you have any idea of where could be the problem?

2- Always in the VA Beast poly grid, would it be possible to create a note that is shorter of a single step? Like using a micro step, but starting reducing the length of the note from the right side, instead of sliding it's start point from the left.

Till now I found an alternative, that is using a very fine step dimension (64) but it is a little tricky sometime,.

Thank you in advance for the support and all the best
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Re: Sending micro step via midi + note length.

Postby planet-h » Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:13 pm

Welcome to the forum, Assonema

Assonema wrote:1- In the VA Beast poly grid I set some micro step value on a defined amount on a note, and I can hear it if I use the embedded VA synth but the information is not sent out via midi to the external hardware synth, that still play the note like if the micro step was settled to 0 (zero). Do you have any idea of where could be the problem?

Micro Steps cannot be applied to the MIDI timing because these are handled within the sampler and synth modules, and not in the sequencers where the MIDI events are fired.
You can export Micro Steps via MIDI file export, but it's not possible to send them in real-time.

Assonema wrote:2- Always in the VA Beast poly grid, would it be possible to create a note that is shorter of a single step? Like using a micro step, but starting reducing the length of the note from the right side, instead of sliding it's start point from the left.

Unfortunately, having note shorter than pone step is not possible, because the timing in G-Stomper is (for performance reasons) based on steps, not on ticks like in MIDI sequencers.
So the only way to have shorter notes than 1/16 is to use a smaller step timing.

Sorry for not having a better answer, but this is as it is.

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