Recommended hardware

Questions and Discussions about G-Stomper
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Re: Recommended hardware

Postby ReadingSteiner_11 » Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:30 pm

I'm curious, is there any reason as not to go for anything else but something from the Google Pixel line? Do they have a function other phones don't have which makes it better for our purposes? I'm not doubting, just genuinely curious.
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Re: Recommended hardware

Postby planet-h » Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:34 pm

ReadingSteiner_11 wrote:I'm curious, is there any reason as not to go for anything else but something from the Google Pixel line? Do they have a function other phones don't have which makes it better for our purposes? I'm not doubting, just genuinely curious.

The pixel line runs pure stock android, which gives you the best performance and lowest latency. Furthermore these are always the first that get the latest os updates.

However, over the last few years, samsung devices got a lot better.
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Re: Recommended hardware

Postby ReadingSteiner_11 » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:35 am

Okay, I wasn't familiar with that line of smartphones, I'll look into them for when I change mine.
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Re: Recommended hardware

Postby planet-h » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:23 pm

ReadingSteiner_11 wrote:Okay, I wasn't familiar with that line of smartphones, I'll look into them for when I change mine.

The Pixel line are Google's reference devices. That's the devices they build the OS for.
So basically, a Pixel device in the Android world is the same as the iPhone in the iOS world.
The only difference is that Apple does not allow any other Manufacturers to use and modify their OS.

Sure, others are good as well, and to be honest, probably 90% of all modern devices are working very well with G-Stomper.
But to get the best out of it, using the right device is the best choice.
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Re: Recommended hardware

Postby ReadingSteiner_11 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:23 am

Oh, thanks, I checked and they're simply not really popular where I live, that's why I've never heard about them or run into one. They do look like great phones though, I was thinking of changing mine next year because it's getting old, and I'll look into these as they'll be a good match for everything G-Stomper related!

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