Scroll bar for VA-Beast Keyboards and VA-Beast Poly Grid

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Scroll bar for VA-Beast Keyboards and VA-Beast Poly Grid

Postby lenznet » Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:20 pm

So, what I mean is this. Along the right hand side in VA-Beast Synthesizer you have a wonderful scroller to move to the different areas of the synth UI up and down. Could there be something like this put in for the keyboards on the VA-Beast Keyboard UI, so in case I'm playing different keys it's much easier to have the notes grouped together. Right now it's great for some keys like C Major but terrible for keys that start in the middle or end of C Major. I guess I would say if the keyboards could slide from side to side to go up and down the octaves similar to how a real piano would look if you could only use a portion at a time. Also something like this would be great for the VA-Beast Poly Grid along the left hand side (left side to maintain conformity with the rest of the app) in place of the volume/pan controls that are there now. It can be confusing when working with the app to have to change the octave up and down with a button as the entire page you are working on goes invisible if you need a lower or higher notes.

Mockups of VA-Beast Keyboard and Note Grid suggestions/requests included in attachments:

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Note GridSmall.jpg
Note GridSmall.jpg (91.38 KiB) Viewed 21825 times
KeyboardSmall.jpg (94.9 KiB) Viewed 21825 times
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Re: Scroll bar for VA-Beast Keyboards and VA-Beast Poly Grid

Postby planet-h » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:40 pm

Welcome to the forum, lenznet
And thanks for your message, especially for including the illustrations.
I agree with you that such a scrolling mechanism would be a useful addition, especially on the grid sequencers.

However, it went to the list of features to be considered. I cannot give you any promise, but we'll surely take a closer look at it.

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Re: Scroll bar for VA-Beast Keyboards and VA-Beast Poly Grid

Postby denzo » Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:47 am

(for this rollbar scroll option!)


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