Default Note Length Shortcuts

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Default Note Length Shortcuts

Postby Ed_C » Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:54 am

One of the things that trips me up when writing in the poly grid is having to adjust the step length of notes through the edit function. I think the workflow would be better streamlined if there were a note length button next to the edit button to set the length instead of using the default note length slider in the sub menu or changing the length in edit mode.

This is an extremely minor gripe. My experience with G Stomper has been a series of happy surprises and amazement. Thank you for this wonderful app!
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Re: Default Note Length Shortcuts

Postby planet-h » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:32 pm

Welcome to the forum, Ed_C
Ed_C wrote:One of the things that trips me up when writing in the poly grid is having to adjust the step length of notes through the edit function. I think the workflow would be better streamlined if there were a note length button next to the edit button to set the length instead of using the default note length slider in the sub menu or changing the length in edit mode.

This is an extremely minor gripe. My experience with G Stomper has been a series of happy surprises and amazement. Thank you for this wonderful app!

Thanks a lot for the kind words about the app. Great to hear that you're enjoying it.

Also thanks for the suggestion.
I actually like the idea, and I'll see what I can do.

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