MIDI Clock

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Kelvin Cruz
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:28 am

MIDI Clock

Postby Kelvin Cruz » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:35 am

Olá, gostaria de informar que o recurso MIDI Clock do G-stomper Studio está apresentando problemas no que diz respeito a continuidade do tempo, ele toca perfeitamente sincronizado com aparelhos externos via cabo MIDI Ubs por um tempo, depois ele vai atrasando pouco a pouco. Antes o app não apresentava este problema. O G-STOMPER Rhythm funciona perfeitamente neste quesito.
Att, Kelvin Cruz

English Tranlation:
Hello, I would like to inform you that the G-stomper Studio's MIDI Clock feature is having problems with regard to the continuity of time, it plays perfectly synchronized with external devices via MIDI Ubs cable for a while, then it slows down little by little. The app did not have this problem before. The G-STOMPER Rhythm works perfectly in this regard.
Att, Kelvin Cruz
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Re: MIDI Clock

Postby planet-h » Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:19 am

Thanks for your message, Kelvin, and sorry for the late response.
I assume you're receiving the MIDI clock from an external master, right?
The fact that G-Stomper Rhythm works correctly is the proof that the MIDI clock module is working as it should.
G-Stomper Studio uses exactly the same MIDI backend, including clock in/out.
The only difference is that G-Stomper Studio demands more CPU from your device than G-Stomper Rhythm.

Can you please send me a message from inside the G-Stomper Studio app (Main Menu / Help / Contact Developer).
With the information in the mail header I can send you the optimal setup for your device.

Also, when you say "the app did not had problems before", then before "what" do you mean?
Have you done any update, system update, G-Stomper Studio update, or did you change the G-Stomper Studio settings in any way?
However, how much CPU the app demands, strongly depends on the music you make. The more complex the sounds, the more CPU is required.

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