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6.5 Tempo- & Beat-Matcher (G-Stomper Studio, G-Stomper Rhythm, VA- Beast)

The Tempo- & Beat Matcher is a powerful tool to synchronize the G-Stomper Applications with any playing Music from any equipment; in the same way DJ’s match the beats from two turntables using a DJ Mixer and Headphones. It is typically used in a live situation when it’s not possible to use Ableton Link or any other automatic synchronisation system.

All settings in the Tempo- & Beat-Matcher are global, which means they’re applied to the Sequencer rather than the Pattern. Everything you do in this section is only temporary and not saved anywhere.


To bring your G-Stomper Beat in sync with Track from a Turntable, Radio, CD, or from anywhere else, do as followed:

1. Plug in Headphones to your Mobile device (where G-Stomper is running) and put the Headphones on so that one of your ears is free to hear the Music coming from a CD Player for example (from the regular speakers, NOT from the Android device), and the other ear is covered by the Headphones, so that you can hear the G-Stomper Beat at the same time.

2. Use the Tap Button to tap the rough Tempo in. As longer you tap to the beat from the CD as more accurate is the tapped Tempo.

3. If the G-Stomper Beat is not running already, press play to start it, and if you start it try to match the “1st Bar” of the Music coming from the CD Player. As more accurate you match it as less you adjustments you have to do later.

4. Now give the Tempo some pushes up- or downwards (using the BPM Nudge) to bring the G- Stomper Tempo in sync with the Music from the CD Player. And while you do so, use the BPM Pitch to fine adjust the Tempo. By default, the range of the BPM Pitch Fader is +/-15bpm, you can adjust the range using the Pitch Range fader.

5. Once you matched the Tempo, it might be that the 1st Bar of the G-Stomper beat does not match the 1st Bar of the Music from the CD Player, even if it’s at the same Tempo. In this case use the Skip Controls to jump one Beat/Bar barward or forward until 1st Bar of the G-Stomper beat is in sync with the 1st Bar of the Music from the CD Player.

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