[NEW APP] Announcing 'Link to MIDI Bridge' 1.0.1 final release

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[NEW APP] Announcing 'Link to MIDI Bridge' 1.0.1 final release

Postby planet-h » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:15 am

Link to MIDI Bridge = Ableton Link to MIDI Clock Synchronization for Android

Link to MIDI Bridge is a new app for Android that creates a virtual bridge between your Ableton Link Session and musical devices that support MIDI Clock Synchronization.

ltm_800.jpg (49 KiB) Viewed 30929 times

Easy to use:
1. Join a Link session (WiFi required)
2. Hookup your MIDI device/interface
3. Enjoy your now Link-enabled MIDI device

MIDI Start quantization (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1 – 32beats)
Stable MIDI Clock
Latency compensation (+/-300ms) to perfectly align the playback of the receiving MIDI device

MIDI support:
Android 4.2.x+: USB (host)
Android 6.x+: USB (host+peripheral) + Bluetooth LE (host)

Link to MIDI Bridge is now online on Google Play and Amazon.

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