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Re: va-beast: tablet reeboots when midi keyboard connect

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:31 am
by planet-h
I'm going after that. It definitely has something to do with the "by intent" hookup, the functionality that allows to choose the app for the midi device before it's started. RD4 does it the same way.

Furthermore it could also be that the problem is on some of these other apps. Since most of them are based on the same midi library from this asian guy, they maybe also adopted one of his ugliest bug.. Factually the basic library doesn't release the usb hardware the right way, and as long as such an app is in memory (in any way cached), it keeps the usb hardware locked. But that's just a guess, I'm sure that'll be solved soon. Now, since the big G-Stomper 3.0 rush is over, I have time again to go after those things ;)

Thanks again for the report